Monday, October 17, 2011


What a whirlwind of activity the last 2 weeks have been.  A person doesn't know how much stuff can be accumulated until you have to go through it. 
I took last Thursday and Friday off to finish up our 'purging' so our tenant could move into the front bedroom.  We originally had a meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, but that cancelled at the last minute, for which I was very grateful, but my Thursday was still very busy.  I first went to Target to purchase a gift and then headed off to do my weekly grocery shopping.  Once that was done, I set about taking down the sheer fabric that had been tacked to the curved window above the 2 windows in the front bedroom.  I searched at length through my stash of fabric for a certain blue fabric but didn't find it, concluding that I had given it away when I gave a friend a box of fabric last spring, so I opted instead for a calico blue that matched the comforter that I had made years ago and which was now on the bed (my apologies for such a long sentence!).  I needed the fabric to make a new window covering, which I made and hung later that evening.  I spent a good part of the day reorganizing things in both the front and middle bedrooms, as well as separating items for our 'tag sale' on Saturday. 
Friday morning, after my husband put up the old table we keep in the garage, I moved the items for the 'tag sale' onto the table or into the garage and put prices with little sticky yellow dots or red tags on almost everything.  I refolded yards of fabric and placed items in a 'FREE' box.  I made neat stacks of old children's games and craft items; patterns were placed in a container, as well as about 60 CD's, several of which were still sealed.  I placed an ad on Craig's List, itemzing almost everything we had for sale -- surely we'd have a crowd!  After lunch, I went to my daughter's house and got my granddaughter so she could spend the night.  Her brother Luke was celebrating his 13th birthday that evening with a bunch of other boys of similar age, and the party included going out to eat, so hanging out with Nana was better than being stuck in a car with a bunch of sweaty teenage (or almost) boys!  I took a break from all the work, and we went down the road a ways and played a game of miniature golf.  When we returned home, I cut out and wrote our 'tag sale' signs for the road, and Cami colored them in for me with brightly-colored markers.  She was so much help!  Dinner made in the slow cooker took the trouble of cooking from me; it's great to plan ahead.  After dinner, we cleared the last of the boxes, and I vacuumed the entire house!
Saturday morning, we diligently pulled the table out to the end of the driveway and set up our 'tag sale,' fully anticipating a crowd.  Our first customer was a drive-by at 9:30 a.m.; our sale ran from 9 a.m. to noon.  Cami jumped rope, and I taught her how to use a Nifty Knitter that I was hoping to sell but decided to give to her since she was interested in learning how to use it.  I read.  Our tenant arrived, and Bob, Cami, and I helped her unload the boxes into the front bedroom.  She left for another load.  We had 4 customers during our 'tag sale' and netted a profit of $15 -- certainly not worth all the time I spent preparing for it!
Our tenant returned.  We helped her unload again.  Then we dragged all the 'stuff' back into the garage, where it still sits, keeping our car in the driveway rather than in the garage.  Now we have to post all the 'sellable' articles on Craig's List and haul all the clothes and games off to goodwill.  And it must be done by Friday of this week.
The rest of Saturday was family time.  We had planned to go on a hike at Umstead State Park in Raleigh, but due to illness of some family members earlier in the week and either sick or cranky grandkids, it didn't materialize.  I was too exhausted to go anyway.  Cami and I put up a tent in the back yard; I had originally planned to take the grandkids camping for 2 nights, but God had other plans when our tenant needed a place to stay, so the tent was for the kids to enjoy and play in when they came for dinner that evening.  We had 9 adults, 2 13-year-olds boys (big as adults), 4 other children, and a 5-month-old baby who was teething, come for dinner, which was grilled and eaten outdoors for the 'camping' feeling.  The kids painted small pumpkins.  We had a fire in the firepit, and I've come to the realization that I need to teach my dear husband how to lay out a fire!  Later, I made 'pie irons' for dessert.  Don't ask me to explain; it will take too long!  Finally, I read stories to the little grandkids in the tent by flashlight.  The sun was setting, the temperature was dropping, the fire was down to coals, the baby was screaming, and everyone was gone by 7:30 -- exhausting but fun!  Just writing this has exhausted me again!

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