Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Anticipation -- to enjoy prematurely -- is certainly an essence of the human spirit that keeps us going.  Currently I'm anticipating a lot of things -- the warmth of the summer sun; the smell of gardenias; a warm, juicy tomato picked fresh from the vine; the clean smell of a thunderstorm; boogey-boarding at the beach (yes, I do that! and I'm pretty good at it, too!); putting up the pool splashing in it with our grandkids; the birth of grandchild number seven (due April 27); fresh-picked blueberries sprinkled on my morning bowl of cereal; sitting on the swing, enjoying the cool summer evenings; the scent of fresh-mown grass; flowers in bloom in the perennial bed; fresh squash, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, okra, beans and other vegetables from my garden; my list could go on and on and would certainly include retirement!  Everyone anticipates something at one point or another, and I believe anticipation is part of God's plan.  If we didn't have anything to look forward to, what would life be like?  I think it would be pretty disappointing and depressing.  Looking forward to the future gives us hope for a better tomorrow, better health, better attitude, and better life.  "Where there is no hope, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18)  God knows that we need hope, but at the same time, all we have is the moment that we're living.  We're not promised tomorrow; we're not promised an hour from now.  Yet hope is what keeps us going.  Hope and anticipation of future events give our lives focus.  We can't do anything about the future, but we can eagerly anticipate and embrace it as God's plan is revealed to us, day by day, moment by moment.  Embracing our moments is so much better than railing at God for what He brings our way.  Opportunity for growth comes with trials and challenges, but no one ever said life was easy -- it isn't!
So anticipate with joy and hope your future days and embrace every moment that you have because in the twinkling of an eye, the moment becomes the past. 

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