Monday, February 28, 2011


Time -- what a precious commodity!  And there are so many sayings about time -- "You can't put time in a bottle"; "I don't have the time"; "Only time will tell"; "In the nick of time"; "Time and time again"; "If I could go back in time"; "How do you spend your time?"; "Time heals all wounds"; "You can't stop time": "Time waits for no man"; "Time passes": "You can't save time" -- and I'm sure you probably have a few or your own favorite sayings.  All of us have the same 24 hours in every day, and each of us gets to choose how to spend those hours. 

I find it interesting that time is a very tangible thing, but you can't hold it, trade it, save it, store it, keep it, or give it away -- but we do SPEND it -- constantly!  And I find that I don't seem to have enough of that very precious commodity.  Because I work full-time outside of the home (as most of us do), I have to cram everything that I can't do during the week into my weekends, and that's where I feel the crunch.  Keeping up the housework and garden work in warm weather is just part of it, but with all of our children living locally and the blessing of 6 (soon to be 7) granchildren from those children, my life is packed every weekend.  We are either going to one of their houses or they are coming to ours.  This past weekend, I went to my daughter's house after work on Friday and got my one-and-only granddaughter, and after dinner at my house, I took her shopping at a craft store, where we purchased bird houses to paint.  After breakfast in the morning, that's what we did.  Then I took her to lunch and back home.  My grandson Niland was supposed to spend the night Saturday, but he got a stomach flu and kept mommy and daddy busy cleaning up after him Friday night.  But Saturday evening we had Bob's 3 daughters over for dinner, his 2 grandsons, one son-in-law, and his mother.  Fun but exhausting day! 

Sunday afternoon was more toned down, with Bob and I working in the yard, me taking it easier than him, varnishing the painted bird houses, as well as an outdoor table, and enjoying the daffodils that were beginning to bloom.  My daughter treated us to some theater tickets that she and her husband had decided not to use, so we got to be entertained Sunday evening with music and dance.  Now it's back to the work week!

Time -- precious indeed -- and I'm endeavoring not to let it slip through my hands, unnoticed, unappreciated, and unattended.  I can't get it back if I waste it.  I want to make the most of the time God has given me, but when I get to heaven, to my eternal home, time won't exist.  That is a strange yet wonderful concept! 

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