Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Salute

Memorial Day - those of us who've been around for a while remember World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War and all those who paid the ultimate price for keeping the world safe and our freedoms intact.  We honor them all.

I was in high school when the Vietnam War was raging.  So many of the boys with whom I went to high school probably served and died over there.  I can't name names, but the statistics would bear this out.  While watching a program on the Vietnam War the other night, I learned that over 33,000 of our soldiers killed over there were only 18 years old!  Eighteen!!!  Young men on the threshold of their adult lives, cut down on foreign soil, never to experience the joys of marriage and raising a family, as well as all the other challenges which go with living a full life.  Sad indeed.

So it is with this in mind that I remember all those fallen through the years, including all those wounded and maimed, those who survived but whose lives were changed forever, those who suffered from PTSD and took their own lives because of the horror which they had lived.  I'm forever in their gratitude, as we all should be, for without their sacrifices our current world would certainly be different.

May God continue to bless the USA.

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