Thursday, December 29, 2011


Christmas -- the celebration of Christ's birth by Christians worldwide, has come and gone already!  It hardly seems possible that 2012 is days away!
We had Bob's daughters and their families, as well as Bob's mother, over the day before Christmas to celebrate.  It was a lot of fun watching the 2 3-year-old grandsons opening their presents, especially their "Toy Story" and "Cars" chairs, which they absolutely loved.  It was a relaxed visit, greatly appreciated after the hustle and bustle of the week.  We also received a surprise, but I can't say anything about it just yet!
My husband and I went to our Christmas Eve church service, at the end of which candles were lit by everyone as the lights were dimmed.  The lighting of candles to me signifies the spreading of God's love as all the candles are lit from the Christ candle; as the flame was passed and multiplied, the sanctuary glowed with a soft light, candles flickering in hands and casting dancing shadows across our faces.  As God's love is shared, it too spreads light and ejects the darkness of the world.
After we came home, Bob and I had our simple gift exchange.  Our big gift was a Wii console for ourselves.  I gave Bob a Nascar game for the Wii so he can drive like a mad man from the safety of the sofa in our living room!  Bob gave me a copy of "The Message" Bible, which I had requested.
After a relaxed breakfast and reading of the Christmas story from the Bible the next morning, I spent about 5 hours in the kitchen, baking cinnamon bread for my kids/grandkids, making another batch of candied citrus peels (requested by my son and son-in-law), and baking dinner rolls from scratch.  Around 1:45 pm, we packed the trunk full of presents and drove to my son's house in Raleigh, where I and the presents were deposited so Bob could get his mother from her apartment to spend Christmas with us.  I hadn't been in the house but a few minutes when Niland and Benny were pulling me and telling me that I had to go upstairs to the great room to see the "surprise."  They were bursting at the seams to show it to me, so up the stairs we went.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  My son (and I didn't know about this ahead of time) had built from plywood a "firehouse" indoor play area, complete with ladder, 8' slide, fire pole, and a rock wall (which had yet to be installed).  The plywood sides created a 4x4 box that was about 9' tall; the ladder/steps took one up to the platform or floor of the second level, which was about 5' above the ground, where the kids could either go down the slide or out onto the platform to access the fire pole!  Beneath the upper platform was another 'room' with an arched entrance, and I was encouraged, and I complied, to crawl in there and sit down on a beanbag chair!  There is a peaked roof on top of the unit, so the top platform is also a room in which the kids can play.  Needless to say, they love it! 
Dori, John, Luke and Cami arrived shortly, and Bob returned with his mother, gifts were passed out, and we watched the kids have more fun!  Being with family on holidays is so important, and we're so blessed to have all of our children close by!
Nate cooked a beef tenderloin wrapped in some sort of salty bread dough in the oven -- it was so yummy!  Luke devoured a dinner roll immediately -- I think it's his favorite food at our family dinners -- and we had scalloped potatoes, salad (2 kinds), braised brussel sprouts, and carrots, followed by several selections for dessert. 
We said our goodbyes by 7:15 pm; the boys were exhausted, John and Dori had to pack for a trip to Chicago the next morning to visit John's parents, and we had to take Mom home.  After we left Nate's place, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights decorating the outside of homes in the area before taking Mom back to her apartment.
After we returned home, we tried out the Nascar game on the Wii for about an hour.  We laughed so hard at the "announcer's" comments when Bob would crash into the wall or spin out on the track.  I can see how the games are addictive!
And now we're looking to quietly celebrate the New Year -- first on Friday evening by having dinner at Steve and Martha's house -- this is becoming a tradition, but usually we do it on New Year's Eve.  However, Ricky and Julie, another couple that celebrates with us, have to be at church early the next day, so our celebration will be Friday evening instead.  And Saturday, we're going to have a simple evening meal at our house with some other church friends, Gladwin and Doris, at which time we'll also celebrate Bob's 64th birthday!  Yes, he's a New Year's Eve baby! 
As we approach 2012, we pray for peace, not only personally, but globally.  We pray for hearts turning back to God, our Creator, and we pray for the blessings of God to rain down on His people around the world.  I'm expecting God to do great things in 2012, but He's already done the best thing He could ever do -- He sent His Son Jesus to redeem us!  Nothing comes close in comparison.

Happy New Year to all my blog readers around the world!

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