Friday, September 16, 2011


I'm proud -- that's correct -- to announce that I turned 62 Monday, September 12.  I'm proud of that fact because many people do not live to see their 62nd birthday.  Birthday celebrations are just that -- celebrations of another milestone reached, another year gone by, a life still happening.
Even as I celebrate aging, there is much about it I DO NOT LIKE!  Utmost, I think, is my lack of energy.  Granted, I'm still not completely recovered from back surgery, which occurred only 3 months ago, but even before that, I noticed that taking care of our small grandsons is physically challenging.  I fall into bed exhausted every night, happy to slip between the covers and drift into oblivion, at the end of most days now.
Another unlikeable thing is the fact that my skin is not the same; it has an 'elephant skin' look, for lack of a better term, when some specific body movements occur.  Muscle tone is also not the same; my upper arms have a way of sagging when I hold my arms out.  Gone is my youthful countenance; instead, age spots are starting to dot my arms and legs.  Thankfully, so far my face seems to have escaped being attacked by this aging malady!  Vericose veins create roadmaps to nowhere on my legs, leaving my young grandson, Niland, wondering what happened to my legs.  "Old age," I tell him.  Any other explanation would simply be impractical. 
On the other hand, there are several things that are a plus.  I can live with my white hair; in fact, I often get compliments on it because it's a rather unusual shade of white.  No longer do I get carded; instead, I get senior discounts in many places.  No longer am I called "Miss" but "Ma'am" instead.  And I'm finally getting the respect I believe I've deserved all of my life!
Pros and cons -- pluses and minuses -- yes, aging has both, but I'm so very grateful to my Lord and Saviour for granting me as many days as He has -- and I hope He grants me many more.  Even as I age day by day, I pray that I will be a positive influence for God on our children -- even as adults -- and all of our grandchildren, because the legacy I leave has nothing to do with money or stuff but with bringing my family into the kingdom of God. 
Happy aging, everyone!  I take comfort in the fact that you're getting older, too, just like me.  My daughter gently reminded me on my birthday that I was still 20 years older than her.  True, but the percentage gap is closing! 

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