Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We are still alive, and so are the grandkids -- but only 3 of them!  No, we didn't do away with one!  Let me explain.  Wilson was sick Saturday with runny eyes and nose and it was best that he stayed home, so we had only 3 grandchildren, not 4 as we had anticipated. 

I had to pick up Ben (15 months old) and Niland (3 years 3 months) on Saturday close to the RBC Center in Raleigh, where their parents were going to attend a conference, but the usually 17-minute-long trip took an hour and 5 minutes due to the North Carolina State Fair occurring at the same time right next to the RBC Center.  When I finally switched cars with Nate and Bee in order to avoid switching kids and car seats, I headed off in a direction that was new to me in order to avoid the traffic jam on I-40.  I had to call my husband to direct me home as I didn't have a clue as to my location, although I knew I was headed in the right direction.  Niland heard me talking to my husband on the phone and hollered, "Hi, Papa Bob!"  He asked what Papa was doing, and I told him that he was helping me find our house.  Later in the day, when we were running around the back yard having fun, Niland abruptly stopped what he was doing, wrapped his arms around my husband's legs, and said, "Thanks for helping us find your house, Papa."  While in the car, I was also strictly instructed by Niland to watch "Benners", as he calls his little brother, because "he runs fast."  Yes, sir! 

We got home about an hour and 40 minutes after I left the house, and Cooper was there but was sleeping in his car, having fallen fast asleep on the way over.  His mother, Ellen, stayed with us until he awoke, and then he wasn't too pleased about being left and gave an Oscar-winning performance for us as his mother quietly departed.  We quickly diverted his attention to sliding down the slide and playing with Niland, and his tears quickly dried.  The afternoon was spent swinging and sliding, running up and down the slope in the yard, exploring the flower garden, digging in the dirt, playing ball, blowing bubbles, and eating at the picnic table!  Later we took our two strollers, strapped Ben in one and went for a walk with Niland and Cooper taking turns riding in the other stroller.  Papa suggested that maybe they could help push Bennie, so Cooper jumped at the chance and started pushing the stroller via the basket at the bottom in the back.  He was all bent over but was really pushing that stroller -- I was just guiding it.  He kept saying, "I can hear Bennie!  I can hear Bennie!"

When we returned home from the walk, we pulled out some Play Doh and started having fun, but I quickly moved the kids' table off the rug and onto the hardwood floors.  Play Doh does not come out of carpet easily!  We squished and punched, shaped and smashed, made snakes and balls, and had a great time.  In the meantime, Bennie, who is too young to do Play Doh, discovered my black cat, Sammy, and gave him a huge hug while he slept on a kitchen chair.  Definitely displeased, Sammy bolted for the door, and I let him outside, which caused Bennie to go back outside, so we followed after putting away the Play Doh.  More play outside, storytime by Papa, and more munchies filled the afternoon, and before we knew it, it was time for supper.  We ordered dinner from Bob Evan's down the street about 2 miles, Papa went to pick it up, Cooper's parents returned, dinner arrived, and as we spread things out, Nate and Bee arrived.  Bennie was already digging into his spaghetti and green beans, but he really loved the rolls the most.  Dinner was on the chaotic side and there was little left, but everyone was happy.  In a whirlwind of activity, everyone left after helping clean up from dinner, and we waved goodbye and sighed a collective sigh of relief.  We had SURVIVED!  And rather well, if I might add.

That evening around nine o'clock, I realized how absolutely exhausted I was, but it was a good exhausted, borne from loving on family and doing what I love to do.  It was a great day!  I hope you have days like this which, although exhausting and sometimes a little stressful, are what makes life worth living. 

Grab one of your kids and/or grandkids and hug them today.  We're not promised tomorrow.

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