Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Photograph is worth a thousand words!

A few weeks ago, I ventured outside to see the moon shining between  some storm clouds off in the distance.  It was dark outside, so I used the nighttime setting on the digital camera to capture this image.  I took a series of shots, and when my husband, who was working late, came home, he came outside and watched the spectacle unfold with me.  The moon and clouds changed by the second, and we were again reminded of the awesomness of God, who created everything and who put the moon in the sky to give us light at night while still allowing for sleep.  I often ponder why we, in this day and age, don't go outside at night other than to get in a car and go somewhere.  Rarely do we sit in our yards in the dark and gaze into the majesty that is right above our heads.  I used to be a Girl Scout leader, and every year when I took my girls tent camping, I'd take them outside into a field with only their flashlights to guide them, and then we'd spread our blankets on the ground and extinguish the lights and gaze at the incredible sky.  Many of the girls had never done such a thing before and were amazed at what they saw.  Most of us would be amazed, too, I think, if we'd simply stop and take a moment to look at what's around us -- trees, grass, flowers, ponds, lakes, the ocean, birds and bees, bugs of all kinds, cats and dogs, animals of all descriptions -- the list goes on and on -- endless!  Yet most of us simply go about our business without seeing the incredibly diverse world that exists right in front of us.  I think that's sad.  I encourage each of you to look up and look around as you go about your day.  You might be surprised at what you see -- for the very first time. 

1 comment:

  1. I heartily agree, Barbara! The night sky is one of my favorite things and a lifetime of watching it has provided some great memories. It's one of God's greatest ~ and most obvious ~ gifts to us, yet, as you point out, it's very easy to take for granted. I adore your photo, BTW. It's gorgeous!!
