Sunday, June 13, 2010

Book is Created!

Finally, it's done! After turning the word document into a pdf, it was uploaded into the website. The link has been provided for you to preview the site where the book can be purchased once I get the proof copy and approve it. Currently, I'm waiting for word from CreateSpace that the book meets all requirements in formatting, etc., and once I get word that it does, I'll be able to purchase a proof copy. If I find nothing that needs to be changed in the proof copy, I can then put the book up for sale on the site. I plan on purchasing 30 copies directly, so for those of you who see me on a regular basis, you can get a copy of the book directly from me, thus saving on S&H charges. You may preview the book at
I still covet your prayers for "Amanda's Hope." This book can be a powerful tool in the hands of a high school girl -- or even boy --, a college bound child, or a teenager going through a rebellious period, but it won't amount to much if it isn't put in their hands. This book isn't meant to make money for me, but for the unborn and the pregnancy centers which assist young girls and women who find themselves pregnant, alone, troubled, and undecided. I sincerely ask that you spread the word about "Amanda's Hope" to your friends, family, and co-workers; if you'd like to purchase multiple copies for distribution, please contact me. I have the ability to create discounts for the book, and I can do that for someone who wants to purchase the book in bulk and am more than happy to do so.
Again, please continue to pray for this project as it has come to completion, but in reality, it's just beginning. The book is done, but the impact it can have hasn't yet been realized. It is with this prayer that I anxiously await the proof copy of the book, and when I click "PUBLISH" on the website, the beginning of God's plan for this story goes into action.
As for me, I'll be resting, praying, and seeking God's will as for the next thing that He wants me to pen. I have two other biblical fiction novels that are not yet in print, and in the interim, I may revisit those, make edits, and publish them as well. Oddly, I never know what will be next on my platter, but I know that it will always be something delicious and nutritious because it comes from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
There will be one other post on this site, and that will be when I tell you that the book is ready for purchase. Again, thanks to all of you who have kept up with my struggles, failures, and frustrations, as well as what I've learned along the road through the writing of "Amanda's Hope -- A Choice For Life".

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's a Slow Process

I'm finding that editing and finalizing can be a very slow process, mostly done during my lunch hours. Again, the weekends are filled with so much activity and work around the house and gardens that it's almost impossible to find time to turn on the laptop, read, edit and revise. My best-laid plans hardly ever reach fruition! Yet I'm not stressed, but I do press forward to get this in print. The urge burns inside me to complete the task set before me, and the snail's pace often frustrates me, but I've learned that getting upset and angry doesn't accomplish anything. Right now, I guess that I have about 80 pages to get through before the book can be created on-line, so please continue your prayers as I near the finish line for this project. Again, you'll be the first to know when the book is ready.